• Lattke Architekten

Title Lattke Architekten
Year 2019
Client Lattke Architekten – Dipl.-Ing. Frank Lattke – Architekt BDA
Program usgfuxt, Robert Walch
For the design concept for the website of this Augsburg architecture practice Atelier Andrea Gassner uses photos, texts and plans – i.e. the elements used to depict architecure – as signs that can be moved vertically in a horizontally divided surface. Scrolling across the vertical develops a content that is moved twice – pictures on top, floorplans or texts in the bottom area. The site invites you to interact – but without getting lost in pointless games – and works responsively in both wide and portrait format. The visual character is shaped by a lot of white space, with a flexible and yet astonishingly simple design grid. Responsive web design means the adaptability of a design concept in depiction and application, from the wide monitor to the small smart phone. In both vertical and horizontal format. At a time when digital communication is practiced increasingly on the smart phone, responsiveness is an important design factor.
Lattke Architekten
Lattke Architekten
Lattke Architekten
Lattke Architekten
Lattke Architekten
Lattke Architekten
Lattke Architekten