Looking towards Mdabulo
Eineweltgruppe, a mobile exhibition
Title | Looking towards Mdabulo |
Year | 2015 |
Client | eineweltgruppe Schlins | Röns |
Production | Mader Werbetechnik, Lauterach |
Design and production | provided on a voluntary basis |
The Eine-Welt-Gruppe (One World Group) Schlins | Röns was set up with the aim of aiding people in the southern highlands of Tanzania and, together with them, taking steps towards the kind of development that makes careful use of resources, is close to nature and sustainable. Their goal is the development of communal organization structures for cooperation, self-determination and responsibility. The aim of the exhibition is to raise consciousness with regard to a theme that affects all of us but which we are all too happy to ignore.
The basic concept for the exhibition is based on paperhanger tables, which are laid on the floor, used as tables or erected vertically and can then be folded together again like an oversized folder. The tables are an interesting size, measuring 70 cm wide and 300 cm long. At the back the frame is visible and resembles tangled branches or a fragile improvised construction. The exhibition is light, mobile and adaptable. The organigram of this development collaboration is a graphical leitmotif that provides user guidance for the entire exhibition.
Each panel documents a single project in the form of brief, authentic, textual descriptions.