• New architecture in Austria

  • Architecture guide

Title New architecture in Austria
Year 1999
Author Otto Kapfinger
Publisher Pustet Verlag, Salzburg
Length 256 pages
ISBN 978-3702504953
“Neue Architektur in Österreich” (New Architecture in Austria) forms part of a series of architecture guides. Gasser Redolfi KG already collaborated on the earlier volumes covering Vorarlberg, Carinthia and Tyrol. The content is divided up into regions; the start to each chapter contains large photographs – scenographic views or bird’s eye perspectives, introductory texts and maps showing the locations of the buildings. As only two numbers are employed, one for the region and one for the respective building, the book can be used very easily by readers. The pages on the buildings are designed in a very compact way. The small, convenient format requires exact typography and high reproduction quality in print. In the first edition the architecture guide also covers the neighbouring region of western Hungary and is trilingual – German, Hungarian and Croatian.
New architecture in Austria
New architecture in Austria
New architecture in Austria
New architecture in Austria