A mobile wooden container about wood
Title | schauholz |
Year | 2012 |
Client | Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft Netzwerk Holzbau |
Architecture | Fachgebiet Holzbau Architekturfakultät TU München, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt(in) Wolfgang Huss, Martin Kühfuß, Maren Kohaus, Prof. Hermann Kaufmann Projektleitung |
Awards | European Design Award |
The principal protagonist of this exhibition is the exhibition space itself – a wooden box in the form of a shipping container that is transportable and can be erected and taken down quickly. “schauholz” – the name and motto of the action are cut into the external walls in oversized letters. The short ends of the box allow a view into the interior. The contents of the exhibition represent a “distillation” of the large exhibition “Bauen mit Holz - Wege in die Zukunft”. Openings to introduce light are made in the structure of beams and posts that is exposed in the ceiling and the right-hand wall. A show of current timber construction is embedded in the opening, similar to an analogous slide viewing box. It presents the current importance and the architectural range of wood as a building material.
On 120 plates the screen presentation offers a second way of reading the selected projects. On the untreated left-hand wooden wall various ecological and economic aspects of the raw material wood are presented in a memorable way by graphics that employ crate lettering. The starting point for the texts and illustration was the scientific consultancy work for the original exhibition by Gerd Wegener and Holger König, Munich. The show case in the rear area forms a stage for a spectacular model building. It terminates the exhibition space and, seen from outside, creates an attractive display window for the show.