Lattke Architects
Title | Lattke Architects |
Year | 2019 |
Client | Dipl.-Ing. Frank Lattke — Architekt BDA |
Printer | Sedlmayer, Dornbirn |
How should an architect communicate – his team, his achievements, his ideas?
Architecture comes from a creative act. The creation itself should serve the architecture client and not, at least not excessively, the architect’s own presentation. With a calm, appropriate design Atelier Andrea Gassner creates a contemporary graphic ambiance for the way in which an Augsburg architecture practice presents itself to the public.
The results are pragmatic signs, typographies, and functional concepts for visual communication. These are applied to the basic settings and project folders, to presentation charts and digital means of communication.
In his introduction to semiotics Umberto Eco notes: “Once it is established that architecture can be regarded as a system of signs, it is, above all, these signs that must be characterised.”