Title Jahresjournal
Year 2017
Client Abteilung Raumplanung und Baurecht
Photographer Atelier Andrea Gassner – Christopher Walser
Redaktionsteam Marko Sauer (Redaktion); Heiko Moosbrugger (Projektleitung)
Umfang 48 – 56 Seiten
Auflage 8.000
Hinter dem Wort »Raumplanung« versteckt sich eine planerische Arbeit mit oft weitreichenden, für Einzelne mitunter einschneidenden Konsequenzen. Die Abteilung Raumplanung und Baurecht vom Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung möchte das Interesse und Verständnis für Raumplanung und Regionalentwicklung bei Interessierten und Verantwortlichen wecken und stärken. Im Rahmen eines Wettbebwebs präsentierte das Atelier Andrea Gassner eine Strategie, die mit verschiedenen Medien operiert: das Jahresjournal zur Themensetzung, verknüpft mit vertiefenden Fachdiskursen sowie einer Wanderausstellung auf groß dimensionierten Litfaßsäulen für eine kooperative Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in einzelnen Gemeinden. Das Jahresjournal ist als Fachmedium konzipiert und verfolgt ein Thema über zwei Jahre. Die beiden Journale ergänzen sich. Das erste Heft erscheint jeweils im Herbst und öffnet den planerischen Blick, das zweite folgt im Frühjahr und lenkt den Fokus im Sinne des »best practice« auf die Vorarlberger Gemeinden und Regionen. Mit den parallel dazu durchgeführten Planerwerkstätten und Foren wird das Thema in einem anderen, dialogischen Format aufgegriffen. Das Atelier Andrea Gassner gestaltet Magazine die gerne in die Hand genommen, gerne angeschaut werden und immer wieder verleiten, in die Tiefe der Texte zu tauchen. Das hohes Level in der Gestaltung textlastiger und komplexer Inhalte kommt nicht von ungefähr. Dahinter verbergen sich eine große Erfahrung in der bibliophilen Gestaltung anspruchsvoller Buchwerke und die konsequente Befassung mit den jeweiligen Inhalten. Schon der Bedruckstoff und die Bindeart unterscheidet das Jahresjournal von üblichen Drucksachen. Die im Basiskonzept festgelegten Vorgaben für Cover, Rubrikseiten, Ein- und Ausstiegsszenarien sorgen für den erwünschten Spannungsbogen. Typografie, Satzspiegel und Bildraster folgen dem Anspruch guter Lesbarkeit und Übersichtlichkeit. Ein besonderer Part ist die kommunikative Nutzung von Kartografie, Orthofotos, Diagramm- und Erklärgrafiken sowie der bildlichen Darstellung. Dazu zählt das redaktionelle Fotobriefing und, für einzelnen Themen, die fotografische Umsetzung selbst.
Title Gewerbebauten in Lehm und Holz – Mehrwert durch Material
Year 2020
Client Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Herausgeberin Sabine Djahanschah, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Verlag Edition DETAIL, München
Umfang 167 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-95553-506-3

In accordance with the purpose for which it was founded the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt/German Federal Environmental Foundation) subsidises innovative, environmentally conscious, model building projects. The concept for the subsidies also includes financing scientific studies of the respective projects and disseminating these in quality book form. Atelier Gassner was commissioned to devise a concept for an edition consisting of several volumes. The first publication documents the new building for Schmuttertal Gymnasium (high-school): here innovative educational ideas and a participative approach to planning produce unusual spatial systems, ambitious ecological goals direct the construction, and functionality and inspiration shape the architecture. Client and subsidy provider, users and planners, experts for building law and technical services document the creation of this building, augmented by plans and photographs. The editions were deliberately published in German, and the search for a name led to the striking and yet self-explanatory term “Bauband” (literally “building volume”). The challenge was how best to describe and depict complex contents so that they are clearly legible and can be quickly understood. At the same time this book was not intended to be a standard illustrated architectural volume nor a dry treatise with a preponderance of text. Using the tools provided by micro and macro typographical design and making considerable demands on editorial photography the narrative requirements could be successfully met. The plans and diagrams, which were produced especially for this book, provide in-depth information. Through the format alone, the easy to open “Swiss brochure” and the stable card binding, the book suggests a report with the character of a working folder. A colour, which differs from volume to volume, contrasts with the restrained grey that is used for the covers of all the volumes. This striking coloured framework for the book block is reflected in completely coloured pages that separate the chapters and visibly articulate the contents and, when one looks at the cut edge of the closed book, appear like inserted “floor levels”.

Title ETH – Neubau GLC Health Science and Technology
Year 2018
Client Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
Architcture Boltshauser Architekten, Zürich
Status Quo Design

Architect Roger Boltshauser positioned his design in the “groove” first made by the architecture of the Maison de Verre which is characterised by “bare” materials and transparency of forms. In the new building the way in which the functions are made legible is entirely in accordance with this early modernism. “Troublemakers” that line the internal world, for example elements for the lighting and building services, are intended to be visible. The same applies to the signage. On this account architect Roger Boltshauser involved Atelier Andrea Gassner at an early planning stage. In designing the directional system in this new, nine-storey building the principalfunctional challenges were the diversity of the spatial structure and functions as well as fluctuations in staff and functional demands that were to be expected. In all zones of the central orientation, sub-orientation (storey areas) and detail orientation (room identification) flexibility and changeability in the messages were called for. Already in the first design study Atelier Andrea Gassner placed the emphasis on digital LED display technology and transmission by means of screens. All the screens, including the wall graphics in the outdoor area, can be centrally controlled. Reflecting the nature of the architectural design, the materialisation envisages an archaic technoid idiom – glass, oiled steel, light concrete. The building blocks of the graphic design include a special dot lettering developed for different grain sizes as well as a symbol program that uses the mould material for the sans serif letters “E T H”. This design concept allows pattern sequences and abstract typographical repeats in a horizontal and vertical direction for floors, walls, and single elements. The square provides the basis for the individual symbols and allows seamless use as partial inlays in the architect-specified mood board with glass blocks or tiling. The general concept for uniform signage in all ETH main and ancillary buildings that was introduced in 2019 prevented this individual proposal from being realised.

Title Grid, Movement, Layers, Structure
Year 2020
Client Land Vorarlberg
Architecture Querformat, Paul Steurer; hk-Architekten, Hermann Kaufmann, Thomas Fußenegger
Production Mader Werbetechnik, Lauterach
Behind the somewhat unwieldy acronym “BSBZ” is the name: “Bäuerliches Schul- und Bildungszentrum für Vorarlberg” (Farming School and Training Centre for Vorarlberg). In the five different wings on the campus various lecture courses for a different user groups are held. The wide range ensures a high frequency of various kinds of visitors. What led to the involvement of Atelier Andreas Gassner was the new “E” building wing and the need for self-explanatory signage and orientation in the constantly growing complex of buildings, approaches, storeys, levels, and rooms. The impact hazard regulations for wall-high glass elements in public buildings presented a further design challenge. A system had to be developed that, while meeting the standards required, would, at the same time, provide a playful graphic element that underlines the new architecture rather than detracting from it. However, the design work began with the start of every form of applied communication, i.e., with the name, the brand. In a moderated process the previous name “Landwirtschaftschule” (agriculture or farming school), which had never fallen entirely out of use, was revitalised and, with the addition of BSBZ, was recreated as a brand and logotype. The inspiration for the graphic elements of the privacy screens and the signage was drawn from the appearance of layers of clay, the textures of arable farming, the architecture of foliage, photosynthesis, the effects of sunlight and wind on the fields, the cycle of growth – the metamorphosis. For this theme and the elements that guide users Atelier Andrea Gassner developed patterns of movement, colour, typography, and plan graphics that are differentiated for each storey. Through the light and the movement of passers-by the patterns begin to oscillate and change constantly, they vanish and reappear, seem translucent and grow, as it were, through the building. The grids of lines and hatching are understood as a graphic echo of the vertically structured wood facade. The signage, the impact prevention patterns on the areas of glazing and the architecture all play together constructively. The very simple and clearly designed elements of the central and sub-orientation use the theme of hatching, too.
Title Woodpassage
Year 2019
Client proHolz Austria proHolz Bayern Lignum Schweiz
Production Fetz Holzbau GmbH, Egg; Mader Werbetechnik, Lauterach
Planning TU München Hermann Kaufmann, Maren Kohaus
Awards Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis, Iconic Awards, Innovative Architecture
A tree grows in the forest – wood comes from the tree – and the wood becomes a house. The wooden “woodpassage” sculpture placed outdoors in the centre of Europe exemplifies this process. With simple pictographic symbols over forty stages, it conveys the transformation from fir to house. This conversion is shown by the Atelier Andrea Gassner as cuts out of large blocks of wood, cut by cut. The result is a sensory experience; consisting of four wooden gates, 4.32 m wide, 4.32 m high and 8.65 m long, the “woodpassage” expresses a strong three-dimensional message when viewed from afar. Whilst strolling through the cheerfully illuminated passage, it becomes playful ambassador for the ecological advantages of timber construction. *From tree to house!* Experience the walk-in installation. An initiative of proHolz Austria, proHolz Bavaria, Lignum Switzerland *Forests create a good climate and the resource wood.* Through sustainable management, forestry ensures the forest habitat and the availability of wood. The forest area in Europe grows by 1,500 soccer fields every day. Only 2/3 of the growth are actually used. *Wood is available and offers a chance to change resource use.* The construction sector accounts for around 40% of all resources. The use of building products made from renewable raw materials saves and secures resources for the future. About 13 cubic meters of wood were needed for the construction of these 4 gates. This amount grows back in Europe’s forests in 1/2 a second. *Building with wood protects our climate.* The photosynthesis of the trees binds 1 ton of CO2 in 1 cubic meter of wood. Timber buildings extend carbon storage capacity and thus relieve the climate in a sustainable way. About 13 tons of CO2 are permanently bound in the wood of these 4 gates. This corresponds to the pollutant emissions of a passenger car over 8 years.
Title Zukunftsfähiger Schulbau
Year 2017
Client Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Editors Sabine Djahanschah, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt; Thomas Auer, Lehrstuhl für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes Bauen; Florian Nagler, Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen und Konstruieren; Fakultät für Architektur, Technische Universtität München
Publisher Edition DETAIL, München
Length 247 pages
ISBN 978-3-95553-365-6
In accordance with the purpose for which it was founded the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt/German Federal Environmental Foundation) subsidises innovative, environmentally conscious, model building projects. The concept for the subsidies also includes financing scientific studies of the respective projects and disseminating these in quality book form. Atelier Gassner was commissioned to devise a concept for an edition consisting of several volumes. The first publication documents the new building for Schmuttertal Gymnasium (high-school): here innovative educational ideas and a participative approach to planning produce unusual spatial systems, ambitious ecological goals direct the construction, and functionality and inspiration shape the architecture. Client and subsidy provider, users and planners, experts for building law and technical services document the creation of this building, augmented by plans and photographs. The editions were deliberately published in German, and the search for a name led to the striking and yet self-explanatory term “Bauband” (literally “building volume”). The challenge was how best to describe and depict complex contents so that they are clearly legible and can be quickly understood. At the same time this book was not intended to be a standard illustrated architectural volume nor a dry treatise with a preponderance of text. Using the tools provided by micro and macro typographical design and making considerable demands on editorial photography the narrative requirements could be successfully met. The plans and diagrams, which were produced especially for this book, provide in-depth information. Through the format alone, the easy to open “Swiss brochure” and the stable card binding, the book suggests a report with the character of a working folder. A colour, which differs from volume to volume, contrasts with the restrained grey that is used for the covers of all the volumes. This striking coloured framework for the book block is reflected in completely coloured pages that separate the chapters and visibly articulate the contents and, when one looks at the cut edge of the closed book, appear like inserted “floor levels”.
Year 2017
Client Werkraum Bregenzerwald Thomas Geisler
Exhibition construction Georg Bechter Licht, Langenegg; Elektro Willi, Alberschwende; Felder Metall, Andelsbuch; Kongresskultur Bregenz; Tischlerei Feuerstein, Egg; Werbe Erath, Bizau; Werkraum Bregenzerwald
Texts Reinhard Gassner, Thomas Geisler
In keeping with a quote from the famous architect Le Corbusier stating that light and shade reveal the form, this year’s Werkraumschau is presenting products from various workshops of the Werkraum Bregenzerwald in a scenario of spotlights. The Werkraumhaus, designed by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor as a multi-functional building, becomes the stage and the handicrafts the actors in a continually changing play of daylight and artificial light. Stage floodlights generate an immaterial and atmospheric architecture of light, mount the objects in the space, infuse life into their surfaces and forms, and trace a graphical shadowplay on the floor of the building. For the wall sign Andrea Gassner developed a three-dimensional solution using mirrored capital letters which, through the shadows they cast, mutate into a clearly legible word. The Letters were also used as the keyvisual for advertising. We cannot imagine everyday life without light but devote little attention to its phenomena and qualities. Good lighting design makes an essential contribution to our feeling of well-being and can sculpt spaces and furnishings. Visitors are invited to sharpen their own perception at entertaining interactive stations, to test qualities of light and acquire practical knowledge for themselves: how is light output evaluated? What effects does the light temperature have? How can we make things disappear with coloured light? The Werkraumschau is the annual exhibition platform for Werkraum members. The renowned graphics and communication bureau Atelier Gassner based in Vorarlberg was invited to design a thematic and scenographic presentation of the collectively established “shop window” that extends throughout the Bregenz Forest.